Fighting for Virginia’s Small Businesses


In 2020-21, skill games generated nearly $130 million in tax revenue for Virginia. In addition to growing revenue for the state, income from skill games helps small businesses create local jobs, provide employee benefits, and support their local communities.

Support Small Businesses. Support Skill Games.

Skill games helped thousands of restaurants and local mom-and-pop shops survive during tough times.

Now these small businesses need your help to survive. 

Contact your legislator and tell them to support small businesses and support skill games.

Support Small Businesses. Support Skill Games.

Skill games helped thousands of restaurants and local mom-and-pop shops survive during tough times.

Now these small businesses need your help to survive. 

Contact your legislator to support small businesses and support skill games.

About VA MAC

What is VA MAC

Virginia Merchants and Amusement Coalition (VA MAC) is an organization whose members include retail establishments, restaurants, and other organizations. Our goal is to protect our right to operate skill games that drive revenue for our members in challenging economic times. Our current focus is to pass legislation that would properly regulate skill games and generate tax revenue for the Commonwealth.

Are skill games legal in Virginia?

Skill games were previously operating under a temporary injunction and regulated from 2020-2021. That injunction was recently reversed. However, Senate Bill 212,  legislation to regulate and tax skill games, has passed the Virginia General Assembly with bipartisan support. The bill now awaits a signature from Governor Youngkin.  VA MAC is a member of a large skill game coalition, representing thousands of small businesses, urging the Governor to sign this bill into law.

Why the need for new legislation?

In addition to supporting struggling small businesses, regulating skill games will benefit the Commonwealth by producing an estimated $200 million or more annually in additional tax revenue. Regulation would also give law enforcement the framework they need to properly identify illegal gambling devices and crack down on bad actors.

How do skill games support small businesses?

Skill games support small businesses by providing additional revenue to supplement their traditional income base. For many businesses, skill games have made it possible to recover from the pandemic and stay afloat in a tough economy. Revenue from skill games is used to pay bills, make location updates, provide employee benefits, offer competitive wages, support charitable causes, and more.

Are these skill games regulated in other states?

 Yes. In Wyoming, Georgia, and the District of Columbia, skill games are regulated and taxed. In Pennsylvania, skill games have been ruled games of predominant skill by numerous Pennsylvania courts including the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania with statewide jurisdiction. In Virginia, legislation to regulate and tax skill games has passed the General Assembly and now awaits the Governor’s signature.

Do skill games hurt the lottery?

No. Independent economic studies have concluded that skill games do not negatively impact lottery sales. Dr. Peter Zaleski, a partner at Meadows Metrics and an economics professor at Villanova University, has conducted exhaustive studies which found that in states where skill games operate, state lotteries have actually seen increased profits. In fact, the Virginia lottery has continued to break sales records for the past 5 years, including its highest-ever sales for the 2022 fiscal year.

Why are gambling companies getting involved?

These companies want a monopoly on entertainment. Although skill games are proven to have no negative impact on these companies, they will not rest until they are able to cut out any perceived competition. A ban on skill games puts the profits of large gambling companies over the needs of Virginia’s small businesses.

Skill Games Give Back to Virginia

Skill game locations, operators, and manufacturers donate millions of dollars to local charities each year. While regulated in Virginia, sill games generated nearly $130 million in tax revenue, $74 million of which went directly to Virginia’s COVID-19 Relief Fund.

Contact VA MAC